Proposed by Mrs Pam Ventham-Smith and seconded by Mr Wyndham Ventham-Smith that these are a true record was unanimously approved.
Mr Ray Welsh asked questions regarding the energy crisis and whether we have new contracts. The Treasurer replied that the contracts were under review for the gas and that electricity had already increased. New radiators were going to be installed in the bar as the old ones were over 30 years old They will be more efficient and reduce gas usage.
Mrs Pam Ventham-Smith questioned the VAT refund and received a satisfactory reply.
It was propsed by Mr Ray Welsh which was seconded by Mrs Ina Winteridge that the accounts be accepted which was unanamously approved.
There was no report as the position of chair was not filled for 2022.
The President made his report and asked the meeting to stand for the 2 minutes silence in memory of the six members who sadly passed away in 2022; Mr Tony Venables, Mr David Leggett, Mrs Betty Atkinson, Mr Phil Sayers, Mr Richard Gardner and Mr Adrian Turner. This was respectively observed.
The President then presented life member certificates to Mr Christopher Dean, Mr Alf Burrows, Mr Barry McCaughtrie, Mr Paul Leyland and Mr Kevin Kitchen.
A proposal from the Treasurer that the subscription for 2024 be increased to £30 for full members and £15 for senior citizens was seconded by Mr Bill Browning and was carried by 18 votes to 2.
Proposed by Mr Wyndham Ventham-Smith and seconded Mr Kevin Kitchen that the entrance fee be waived for 2024 was unanimously approved.
Proposed by Mrs Pam Ventham-Smith and seconded by Mr Ray Welsh, that rule 14 be suspended for 2024 was unanimously approved.
As it seems unlikely due to the lack of nominations that an election would take place, the Secretary would appoint scrutineers should they be required.
A proposal by Mr Clive Scott, seconded by Mr Derrick Penson was unanimously approved that Cook and Co be retained as auditors.
None received.