Sub committees

There are 2 sub-committees:

Finance - This committee deals with the operations of the bar, including dealings with the brewers, staff wages, budget setting and the general financial business of the club.
Social & Games Arranges the entertainment, organises the weekly raffles, Alphabet draw and is responsible for the Games Room. This includes maintenance of the tables and organising internal matches.
House - this committee is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the club, including its security. All sub-committees can spend up to £300 and any expenditure above that has to be approved by the full committee. All sub-committees present a monthly report to the monthly committee meeting.



Mark Parris
Ina Winteridge
Gary Hinson
Gary Hinson
Mark Parris
Kevin Down
Clive Scott
Karen Atkinson
Karen Hunt

The names in bold are sub committee chairman. The Treasurer and the Club Chairman are automatically members of the Bar & Finance Sub committee. The President and Vice President can attend any committee meetings.